It is quite common when you have an input view on an iOS app to show some actions above the keyboard to improve the user experience. Those actions can range from a Done button on a number pad, a Cancel button to dismiss the keyboard to literally anything.

Though there are various options you can use to add those actions, the most common and probably the easiest is to set the property inputAccessoryView of the UITextField to an instance of UIToolbar with items the buttons you would like to add.

Since it’s such a common practice, I am using an extension to make this operation a little bit nicer to use:

extension UITextField {

    typealias ToolbarItem = (title: String, target: Any, selector: Selector)

    func addToolbar(leading: [ToolbarItem] = [], trailing: [ToolbarItem] = []) {
        let toolbar = UIToolbar()

        let flexibleSpace = UIBarButtonItem(barButtonSystemItem: .flexibleSpace, target: nil, action: nil)
        let leadingItems = { item in
            return UIBarButtonItem(title: item.title, style: .plain, target:, action: item.selector)

        let trailingItems = { item in
            return UIBarButtonItem(title: item.title, style: .plain, target:, action: item.selector)

        var toolbarItems: [UIBarButtonItem] = leadingItems
        toolbarItems.append(contentsOf: trailingItems)

        toolbar.setItems(toolbarItems, animated: false)

         self.inputAccessoryView = toolbar

Now, with that extension, you can add the toolbar in the following way:

let textField = UITextField()
let cancelButton = UITextField.ToolbarItem(title: "Cancel", target: self, selector: #selector(cancelPressed))
let resetButton = UITextField.ToolbarItem(title: "Reset", target: self, selector: #selector(resetPressed))
let doneButton = UITextField.ToolbarItem(title: "Done", target: self, selector: #selector(donePressed))
textField.addToolbar(leading: [cancelButton, resetButton], trailing: [doneButton])